Let’s Talk Together
So, you’ve been learning English like forever. You’ve sat for all the exams
and proper qualifications, you can read and understand,
you can listen and understand,
you can even watch a film and get most of what is said – okay,
sometimes you just guess the meaning.
What is set and ready is of no challenge, right?
But what about your conversational skills?
Can you communicate or do you just stick to the basics?
And now you are too busy for regular weekly lessons, correct?
And going back to class is not your cup of tea anymore.
Well, why don't you try out a totally new approach?
Let's walk and talk around Athens,
enjoy a cup of coffee and discuss your new book or TV series.
You don't need to worry about mistakes. Just start talking.
No strings attached, flexible itineraries and an amazing way
to rediscover yourself around the city.